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SHINING BRIGHT - NEWSLETTER 2023-2024. By District Editor Lucy Barrock.

Shining Bright. District 330 Newsletter 2023-2024. Volume 1.

Shining Bright. District 330 Newsletter 2023-2024. Volume 2.

Shining Bright. District 330 Newsletter 2023-2024. Volume 3.

Shining Bright. District 330 Newsletter 2023-2024. Volume 4.


Kamala A Yeap,centenary District Chairman 2023-2024

Third Message of

District Chairman


Dear Inner Wheel Members of District 330

Good day to all of you

It looks like only yesterday did I take office as the 43rd District Chairman, but in another short 30 days I will be completing my term. Time has just flown by but then I must acknowledge that lots have happened and yet there are lots more to be done and I am hoping that my successor will carry on to accomplish all that is to be completed.

Reflecting on my term as the 43rd District Chairman, I must THANK ALL OF YOU for having made me so comfortable during my visit to your clubs. Each one of you present during my club visits welcomed me with open arms, shared your thoughts and willingly listened to my views and opinions. The time that was spent in your midst are precious to me and all is etched in my mind and memory. You brought out the best in me and showed what true friendship is all about. In Inner Wheel language, this is what “Friendship” is all about. We open not only our mind and thoughts but our hearts too — to respect, love, cherish each other. We don’t harbour any ill thoughts or feelings, but we lead and show the way to a better future, a better way of life, a better understanding of what lies ahead in the near and far horizon.

To me being in Inner Wheel has opened many doors. The most important door is what Inner Wheel in Malaysia has been yesterday, is today, and can be tomorrow. It is no more a meeting for tea and social talk but one where there is care and love for each other and the want to care for the less fortunate — to Shine a Light — to show the path forward where there is an abundance of opportunities to shine.

As members of Inner Wheel District 330, we will have to take the opportunity to be better friends to not only our own club members but members of other clubs too. We will have to make changes but at the same time we must adhere to the fundamentals of Inner Wheel. We must give importance to promoting true friendship simply by being a friend and not overstepping the boundaries of the relationship. Respect others and they will respect you. What you give is what you get. Lets work together to make Inner Wheel District 330 shine and become stronger to withstand the challenges of tomorrow.

I am not saying any good-byes as I am only finishing my term as the District Chairman but will remain as a faithful Inner Wheel District 330 member.

Thank you, dears.

Kamala A Yeap
District Chairman 2023-24

Kamala A Yeap,centenary District Chairman 2023-2024

Second Message of

District Chairman


Dear Fellow Inner Wheel Sisters

A Very Happy New Year to all of you. May 2024 bring in many wonderful days that we will cherish forever.

As I write this second website message to you, so much has happened in the first half of the Centennial term. It has been a busy six months and I am happy to report that for the most part, we have been successful in achieving what we had set out to do.

I am fortunate to have a fantastic team and we have been adhering to IIW’s theme of ‘Shine a Light’ as never before. Clubs in the District likewise, have been actively doing social work and yet found time to get together for fellowships gauging from the posts on our social media platforms.

In the first month, the District Officers completed setting up all lines of communication and the Exco proceeded with training for all club officers. I have managed to attend quite a number of club installations and have also embarked on my Club Visits. In this first half of the year, 10 clubs have been visited.

A new club, IWC Parklands breathed life rather quickly early in the term and in September we successfully conducted our AGM.

I have made a couple of trips to India including attending a convention and managed to foster friendship with clubs in the subcontinent. It was hectic but I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I cannot thank all of you enough for the warmth with which I have received whenever I meet up with all of you. Our upcoming event is the District Centennial celebrations on 6th January 2024 and my team and I are in the process of making sure no stone is left unturned to ensure a memorable get-together for our attendees.

I hope all of you will do something special to remember our Centennial term and hopefully reminisce fondly about it in the time to come. Thank you for the wonderful time I am busy as it is.

My Exco and I will do our part to ensure that the rest of the term is successfully concluded with all your support of course. Please bear with us should there be some inevitable shortcomings but do rest assured that we are trying our best as always.

Thank you all once again and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.

Kamala A Yeap
District Chairman 2023-24

Kamala A Yeap,centenary District Chairman 2023-2024

Welcome Message from the centenary
District Chairman


Dear Ladies.

It is with great pride and indeed an honour for me to address my fellow Inner Wheel members of District 330 as the District Chairman for the term 2023 – 2024 when Inner Wheel clubs worldwide are celebrating our organization’s centenary year. International President Trish Douglas has chosen this year’s theme as follows:
Shine a Light’ with two initiatives to secure a brighter future for the next generation namely:

  1. Brighten Lives for the Future

  2. Mental Wellness Brightens Lives

Thus, the focus this term would be to incorporate these ideals into our activities and projects.

As the District Chairman, I would like to convey my deepest appreciation to my mentors and friends in Inner Wheel who have given me the added impetus to strive from within - to Challenge the Norms, Challenge the Status Quo as well as Make Crucial Judgements and Decisions for the benefit of all mankind in general and our members in particular. I shall always value my home club, the Inner Wheel Club of Apsaras for our friendship and our continuous efforts within Inner Wheel.

My foray into Inner Wheel started upon my return to Malaysia after years of studying as well as working at home and abroad. I was inducted into the Inner Wheel Club of Seremban in 2011 and held various positions therein before joining the District Committee in 2016 as the District International Service Organiser when our Immediate Past National Representative Parimala Satheesan was the District Chairman.

In 2017, I was the Charter President when the Inner Wheel Club of Apsaras with twenty-three members was formed. The Inner Club of Subang Selangor was our sponsor club. Just two years later in 2019, we became the sponsor club for the Inner Wheel Club of Butterworth, the first club on the mainland of Penang state.

I joined then-District Chairman Shanti Menon’s team in 2020 as the District Treasurer followed by a term as the District Secretary in 2021 when the District was helmed by Shamini Nair. I was Vice Chairman last term when Immediate Past District Chairman Krishnaveni Mutthiah was heading the District.

As the forty-third Chairman of Inner Wheel District 330, I would like you to uphold the objectives of Inner Wheel as well as abide by this year’s theme and ‘Shine a Light’ into the lives of the less fortunate in a compassionate yet sustainable manner. There will be a renewed effort to increase membership within clubs, revive ailing clubs and set up new ones.

My team is varied in its composition and I trust all cooperation will be rendered to us by clubs so we may undertake our tasks efficiently, effortlessly and put our District on the map. The Executive Committee is as follows:

  • District Chairman: Kamala A, Yeap (IWC Apsaras)
  • District Vice Chairman: Vimalavathi Thayaman Pillai (IWC Ipoh East)
  • Immediate Past District Chairman: Krishnaveni Mutthiah (IWC Klang)
  • District Secretary: Jillian Marie Estrop (IWC Penang)
  • District Treasurer: Meeta Chahal (IWC Bangsar)
  • District Extension Chairman: Shanti Menon (IWC Subang Selangor)
  • District International Service Organiser: Jasbir Sarjit (IWC Selangor)
  • District Editor: Lucy Barrock (IWC Butterworth)
  • District Webmaster: Jaya Ranjitham Samuel (IWC Ipoh East)

I pledge to undertake this huge responsibility that has been bestowed on me seriously and strive to do my utmost to make Inner Wheel prosper and grow, for all members to be proud of District 330. We will continue to support each other and even more importantly, we will always make personal time for one another.

We will view friendship as one that makes each other's lives better and our friendship will be worth the time and energy. It has been said that the backbone of any successful friendship is one where both sides put in equal effort and support. So, my fellow Inner Wheel members, let us stick together in Friendship and Service through thick and thin as well as be the beacons to ‘Shine a Light’ in our communities.

Kamala A Yeap

District Chairman 2023-24

Inner Wheel District 330, 2023-24  lineup


International Inner Wheel theme 2022-23: WORK WONDERS

International Inner Wheel
Theme 2023-2024


Kamala A. Yeap

Vice Chairman:
Vimalavathi Thayaman Pillai

Immediate Past Chairman:
Krishnaveni Mutthiah

Jillian Marie Estrop

Meeta Chahal

Extension Chairman:
Shanti Menon

International Service Organiser:
Jasbir Sarjit

Lucy Barrock

Jaya Ranjitham Samuel

Extension Committee Members:
Parimala Satheesan
Padmini Pillai

National Representative
(District 330 & District 331):
Datin Dr Ramani Subramaniam

Yvonne Yeo


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page updated 1 Jan 2024