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International Inner Wheel District 330 Executive Committee, Advisors and National Representative

Welcome Message from
District Chairman Parimala Satheesan
District Chairman 2016-2017 (District 330)

District Chairman Parimala SatheesanIt is a moment of great pride and honour for me to lead our Inner Wheel District 330 as the 37th District Chairman. I am mindful of the huge responsibility that comes with it. There is never a time when privilege comes without responsibility.  I am persuaded by the capacity to serve, it is what gives life its deepest significance.

As we start this new Inner Wheel Year, I wish to extend my heartiest congratulations to all District Executives, Club Presidents and the Executive Committee Members on their appointment and wish you all every success during your tenure.

My predecessors did a lot. I am hoping to build on that and do more. Inner Wheel believes in continuity. My predecessors have played their roles well. I shall carry their legacy with humility and take steps to reinforce the image of Inner Wheel to build it further with the three main International Inner Wheel Objectives:
· To Promote True Friendship
· To Encourage the Ideals of Personal Service
· To Foster International Understanding

As the membership in our clubs becomes older and smaller, we need to be proactive about membership retention and recruitment. Our first strategic priority should be to support and strengthen clubs. We all know that new members bring fresh energy, ideas and enthusiasm. We need to seek out and engage new and younger members to be part of our organization and promote True Friendship.

International Inner Wheel President Oluyemisi Alatise has chosen a beautiful theme for her term 2016-2017: "Touch a Heart".  Showing kindness to others is a powerful source of happiness.   Community based projects improve the lives of the less fortunate in society. In doing so, we touch hearts.  This will be carried out in line with the ideals of Personal Service.

Let us leverage on our collective energy, passion and desire to change lives for the better. Together we will work efficiently and productively to touch many hearts and be a gift to the community and the world at large.

In the Inner Wheel movement, our diversity is our strength.  This is the charm of the universe.  Let us complement one another with our uniqueness and together become a force to reckon with and foster international understanding.

It is going to be an exciting one year and I know that the success of the chairmanship is a result of our collective endeavours.   I take this opportunity to thank PIIWBM Datin Joan Salleh, PIIWBD Jessie Wang and PIIWBD Joy Sundram for gracefully accepting my invitation to be the Advisors for this term.

To the incoming Presidents and Executive Committee Members for the Inner Wheel term 2016-2017, I wish you a meaningful and successful year – a year not only of service, but one that is also filled with fun and friendship. And as you continue on this journey with your club, remember:

Coming Together is a Beginning,
Keeping together is Progress and
Working together is Success

I look forward to working with each and every one of you in 2016-2017.

Enjoy Inner Wheel!

Parimala Satheesan
District Chairman 2016-2017

January 2017 Message

District Chairman Parimala SatheesanDear ladies,

A very happy new year to all of you. It gives me immense pleasure to greet you all in this new year and also hope that everyone is hale and hearty in 2017.

We have just celebrated World Inner Wheel Day with so much of pomp and grandeur, managing to create a record of the biggest hamper in the Malaysia Book of Records. Indeed a feather in the cap for District 330 and I would like to congratulate all the clubs for coming forward and supporting IWC Kuala Lumpur in organising the event for Dist 330.

We have two major events i.e. the 37th District AGM and the 4th South Asia Rally coming up in March and I am once again counting on your support. IIW President Oluyemesi Alatise will be attending both our events and I really hope that all of you will take the time and trouble to travel to Bangsar South for the events. I hope that you will not let me down.

It is also my plea to all the clubs to advertise in the souvenir programme that we are producing to help defray the costs of organising both the events. It will also help us a great deal if you could pass the message around to all your members and find as many sponsors as you can to help us make these events a major success.

As we enter into the Year of the Rooster, I take this opportunity to wish my fellow sisters Health, Joy, Prosperity and Success in this coming Chinese New Year! Let there be peace in the world, in our homes and in our lives!

Best regards

Your District Chairman
Parimala Satheesan
IW Dist 330, 2016-2017

December 2016 Message

District Chairman Parimala Satheesan, District 330Season’s Greetings to all my fellow Inner Wheel Members!

I hope that all of your Christmas and New Year plans are coming to fruition and that you are all enjoying this time of the year with family and friends.

We have crossed our half year of “Touch a Heart” in the term 2016-2017. I feel very proud of some achievements that gave me a lot of satisfaction as District Chairman.

The following are some of the highlights.

Our membership is in good shape, slowly but surely growing. Membership data forms were fully completed and received from all 18 clubs. A membership file has been created for the District. All forms were checked personally by me and have been forwarded to Media Manager Yeok San. Copy of the Membership Data will be forwarded to the respective clubs soon for proof reading before the final printing of the directory.

For many months, we spent an enormous amount of time planning and preparing for three spectacular events;

1. World Inner Wheel Day (10 Jan 2017),
2. 37th Annual General Meeting (17 & 18 Mar 2017), and
3. 4th South Asia Rally (19 Mar 2017)

The first event is the World Inner Wheel Day celebration which will be held on January 10th, 2017. I am very grateful to President Harshinder and members of IWC Kuala Lumpur who had gracefully accepted to organize the event for Inner Wheel District 330. President Harshinder should be congratulated for taking the lead to organize this event with her great team of enthusiastic volunteers consisting of Inner Wheel members, friends and family to make it a grand success.

Members worldwide are encouraged to commemorate this special day by performing some act of service, celebration and also remembering their fellow Inner Wheel Members around the world. In line with our IIW theme 2016-2017 “Touch a Heart”, it was decided by the organizing team to do the largest and heaviest “Touch A Heart Charity Hamper” containing foodstuffs to be given to 220 refugee children in Malaysia, and at the same time, working towards achieving a record in the Malaysia Book of Records with wide media coverage.

It was realised that the venue will impact the budget gravely. PDC Juanita Lee, realising the predicament, offered her bungalow space for this celebration. I am extremely thankful to PDC Juanita for her generosity and kindness. For more information on this event kindly contact Harshinder at +60162255124

The 37th Annual General Meeting of Inner Wheel District 330 is scheduled for March 17th & 18th, 2017. It is one of our important business meetings, when we will review our various activities via the committee reports, approval of budgets for next IW term, election of the new executive committee members, which includes the Installation Banquet and the installation of the incoming District Chairman. This event brings together the widely spread out Clubs in true fellowship and understanding.

On March 19th, 2017 our District is hosting the 4th South Asia Rally which is an International Friendship Rally. The wheels started rolling months ago. It requires planning and a keen eye for details. I have been fortunate enough to be backed by a team of very motivated and dedicated members who know their job and are result oriented. We have an overwhelming response from our overseas members. Participants who have registered so far are from India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Dubai and Singapore. Events like this cannot happen overnight.

I cannot thank everyone enough for their involvement and their willingness to take on the tasks beyond their comfort zones! SAR Organizing Chairman and incumbent District 330 Secretary, Shanti Menon, and her team have been working round the clock to ensure that the event will be an unforgettable experience for all participants who will be present.

I would also like to thank AGM Organizing Chairman PDC Datin Seetha and her team for their cooperation in planning the event to ensure that the AGM would go on without a hitch.

I congratulate all members who have registered for the above events and I urge all club Presidents to continue to encourage more members to support and attend. The success of all the events relies on the participation of members and I look forward to seeing all of you there.

Once again, I wish you all a
Merry Xmas and
A Happy New Year 2017

Thank you.

Parimala Satheesan
District Chairman 2016-2017

September 2016 Message

District Chairman Parimala Satheesan, District 330Greetings,

Three months have passed since i took over as DC for District 330. It has been a fun and exciting time for me, visiting clubs and also attending installations. The support and response from clubs have been overwhelming and I am extremely touched by it.

By now, all clubs would have received the emails to fill up the forms for our membership database, and to remind all clubs to send in their district dues according to the deadlines given. With your cooperation, your District Secretary and District Treasurer can put aside that task with a feeling of relief and channel their attention to other important matters.

I am also looking forward to our celebrations of International Inner Wheel Day which falls on 10th January.

Although the District AGM ("DAGM") is in March, work has already begun. The District has more exciting happenings in store for all members of Districts 330 and 331, besides our joint DAGM. I am referring to the South Asia Rally ("SAR"). Let me explain what it is all about.

It has been a practice in Districts 330 and 331 to have our DAGM in the month of March every year. We have our meetings, dinners, DC's installation and plenty of fellowship. As announced, the next DAGM will be on 17 and 18 March, 2017.

Joint AGM of Districts 330 & 331, 17 & 18 March 2017

Something bigger in addition to the DAGM has been planned and we are extremely excited to share this with you. Having accepted the invitation to host the 4th South Asia Rally in Kuala Lumpur, it has been decided to set the date on 19 Mar 2017 which is on the day following the DAGM. It is an international event. The last time we hosted an international event was in 2009, the International Inner Wheel Convention, which was held in Kota Kinabalu. It was a feather in our cap, and we received many congratulatory messages of its success.

However, you must be wondering what this South Asia Rally is. Well, a rally is a gathering of every club in the district or a geographical location. It is not a business meeting or a formal gathering. However, it is to promote friendship and foster international understanding which provides an opportunity for club members to meet socially at an international level. It normally creates much enthusiasm amongst members as it forms a platform for exchange of ideas on Inner Wheel projects and activities as well as the different flavours of the participating districts. Inner wheel Districts all over the world hold these rallies on a regular basis. One very prominent rally is The Rallye Charlemagne hosted by European countries. They have activities like bake and sale, games, fund raising for some appointed charities as well as social events.

The Association of Inner Wheel Clubs In India, a national governing body, mooted the idea of the SAR some years ago. They decided that they will hold the SAR every three years. The countries invited include India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, Fiji, Japan, New Zealand and many more. Nevertheless, participation of any Inner wheel member from any other country is welcomed. The first SAR was held in Kochi, Kerala, India way back in 2008. The next one was hosted by Sri Lanka in 2011 and the 3rd SAR was held in Mumbai, India in 2014.

Our theme for the rally is the Circle of Sisterhood. We hope to go back to basics to strengthen our solidarity amongst sisters, and to "Touch A Heart" across nations and cultures. It's the first of its kind for Inner Wheel in Malaysia. Let's showcase our Malaysian hospitality, our warm hearts, and the beautiful sights and sounds of our country; and give the international participants a good time.

We hope to see you all in full force for the 4th South Asia Rally at Nexus Convention Centre Kuala Lumpur on 19 March 2017. 4th SAR 2017 celebrates the Circle of Sisterhood.

4th South Asia Rally, 19th March 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Theme Logo

Enjoy Inner Wheel!

Parimala Satheesan
District Chairman 2016-2017














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