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Vimalavathi Thayaman Pillai, District 330 Chairman, 2024-2025

Welcome Message from
District Chairman


Dear Inner Wheel members,

It is a great honour and privilege to be entrusted to helm District 330 as the 44th District Chairman. I am incredibly humbled by the trust and faith bestowed upon me and I will strive to uphold the legacy set by my predecessors. Just like me, I hope this new term will bring hope and positivism to all. This is also the time of the year that resolutions are made and I pray that all of us can do justice to it.

The theme for year 2024-2025 is Heartbeat of Humanity where every beat counts and every action matters which I believe resonates well with the ideals of Inner Wheel.

IIW theme 2024-2025, Hearbeat of Humanity

The social theme for year 2024-2027 is Reach and Inspire for a better world with key areas in community, relationships, health and wellness, environment, empowerment and culture.  I am confident that clubs throughout our District will embark on inspiring and meaningful projects, fuelled by purpose and passion in whichever key areas they see fit.

My vision for the coming year is centred around friendship and unity; both values that form the very core of Inner Wheel. More often than not, these fundamental values are overshadowed by pursuits of completing bigger tasks. Let us not forget what brought us together into this circle of sisterhood and celebrate our bonds through both these themes.

I am looking forward to working closely with my dynamic committee members, some of whom I had the opportunity to work with in the last term. My heartiest congratulations to District Vice-Chairman Jillian Marie Eastrop, Immediate Past District Chairman Kamala A. Yeap, District Secretary Lucy Barrock, District Treasurer Jasbir Sarjit, District Extension Organiser Shamini Nair, District ISO Merlin Angeline Gasper, District Editor Parmeswary K. Sithamparapillai and Webmaster Jaya Ranjitham Samuel. The National Representative for this term is Shanti Menon. 

It is my hope and belief that all clubs will extend their full support and cooperation to the District to achieve all the goals that we have set out to do. Please feel free to reach out to me whenever you need any clarification or assistance.

I would like to thank the late Mrs Anne Mahendran (Past President, Inner Wheel Club of Ipoh East) for introducing me to Inner Wheel many years ago, Immediate Past District Chairman Mrs Kamala A. Yeap and IIW Webmaster (and Editor/Media Manager 2021-2022) Mdm Cheng Yeok San for being my mentors, and all the other Inner Wheel members who had been full of support for me to reach this post. To me this important post that I highly revere is not a destination but rather a journey of self-empowerment and fulfillment.   

I would like to conclude with my favourite quote from Mother Theresa.
Not all of us can do great things,
but we can do small things with great love.

Thank you,

Vimalavathi Thayaman Pillai

District Chairman 2024-25

Inner Wheel District 330, 2024-2025 Team


International Inner Wheel
Theme 2024-2025


Vimalavathi Thayaman Pillai

Jillian Marie Estrop

Immediate Past Chairman:
Kamala A. Yeap

Lucy Barrock

Jasbir Sarjit

Extension Organiser:
Shamini Nair

International Service Organiser:
Merlin Angeline Gasper

Parmeswary K Sithamparapillai

Jaya Ranjitham Samuel

District 330 &
District 331

National Representative
Shanti Menon

Datin Gillian Lee


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page updated 3 Jul 2024